Being that I've been a Warhammer 40K fanboy since I was a little kid, you'd have to assume that I've really been looking forward to the day someone made an action game out of it. Now obviously this isn't Games Workshops first outing in the video game world, they have actually had several really great games. There were a few I can't even remember the names of back in the 90's, then there was Fire Warrior, a first person shooter affair from the perspective of a Tau Fire Warrior repelling an imperial invasion. It didn't do so well but it was still pretty fun. Then of course came Dawn of War and its sequel, both of which are in my top 5 for strategy games. But the Warhammer 40k universe has been just begging for a good 3rd person action title since it was first created. And Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, seems to be prepared to deliver it in spades.
I just got my hands on the demo yesterday and sat there furiously playing through it over and over again. Once probably 2 hours went by I sat back in my chair and said "fuck Gears of War 3". And I meant it. This is for several reasons, one is that the world of Warhammer has some of the richest lore ever written. And the material has been written over the course of decades, and that lore leaves room for so much within the universe. So there is virtually no way to really mess up your story as long as you don't ignore the lore. And Relic has proven extensively that it understands and respects the source material with which it is working. But I'm starting to ramble so I'm going to get straight to the mini review of the demo for Space Marine.
The demo gives you access to two different missions out of the campaign. One of these "The Inquisitor" is what I assume to be the games standard fare. You march from place to place fighting with orks. After that mission is another mission wherein your marine dons a jump pack. Both of these brief missions do a great job of showing off what the game is capable of. First off the graphics are gorgeous. This is where you can really see how faithful Relic is to its source material. The crumbling buildings of the forge world are truly oppressive and even though I had no idea what the situation was, I felt like the situation was completely hopeless. And the character models are just so clean and sharp it's hard to complain about them. Especially when your Space Marine is coated in the blood of the orks that he cut apart (quite literally) in battle. As his armors shields are beaten down electricity crackles across its surface giving you a warning of impending danger even if you aren't paying attention to your life bar. The only graphical short coming that I saw, was in a few of the environments. Some textures looked a little bit muddy up close. But that's just nit picking, the overall look of the game is brilliant in its unrelenting bleakness.
The next thing I really want to stress is the sound design. Shitty sound effects can really kill a game. Look at Duke Nukem, yeah yeah I know, Duke didn't need bad sound effects to be a shitty game. But honestly the guns just sounded pathetic. This was also a shortcoming in the game Garshasp Monster Slayer. But in Space Marine, every bullet you fire lets loose a blast like a grenade in any other game. They did a wonderful job giving the impression that any normal human trying to fire those guns would have his arms taken off by the sheer force of it. And the melee sounds are awesome too, your chainsword revs and roars with every swing, and blood and gore spatters every time you make contact. It makes the combat audibly just as satisfying as it is visually.
And finally the combat. Think if you were playing Gears of War, but you can't take cover, because Space Marines are WAY too badass to cower behind conveniently placed cement blocks. And when you get to melee, instead of just throwing a random gun butt, or killing them with a chain saw if you get lucky, you pull out a fucking sword. But it isn't just a normal sword. It's a chainsaw, shaped like a sword. And then, all of a sudden, the game just turned into Devil May Cry. The speed and brutality with which you dispatch your enemies in melee would be disturbing if it wasn't so god damn fun and awesome. Whenever an opponent is stunned you can use an execution move on him. These both look AWESOME and serve a purpose besides taking enemies out of the fight, every time you execute an enemy it heals you. So it's not just the standard "OH EXECUTIONS THOSE LOOK BALLER LOLOLOLOL LETS PUT EM IN" they serve a strategic purpose. But, unlike most games, you aren't invulnerable while caving in an ork's head or Sparta kicking him off the end of your chain sword. So the risk sometimes outweighs the benefits.
The jump pack essentially adds another layer to the melee combat. The way it works is similar to the DOW2 assault squad. You jump up in the air, choose your extremely unfortunate target, and come crashing down on him and his friends. It puts you right into the fight and kills about half of the enemy while they are distracted shooting at your friends. My only drawback while using the jump pack was that it started to feel very repetitive. The slam attack was so lethal that it made it a waste of time to use anything else. So it just turned into, jump, slam, jump, slam, jump, slam. It was fun for a while but eventually I just ignored the fact that I had it and fought as normal.
I have extremely high hopes for this game now. I was already looking forward to it but talk about making a good first impression. It's like meeting your girlfriends parents while wearing a tuxedo and driving a brand new Mercedes that you named "Commitment". Unfortunately I won't be able to afford the game for a while but when I do a full review will be soon to follow.
Copyright Alex Jenkins 2011

This is Level 2 reviews,I've started this blog as a place for me to share my thoughts on games both popular and unknown, games that are good, games that are bad, and games that will take you on a one way trip to the asylum super glued to a donkey's hind quarters screaming about hellfire and damnation. Please comment and subscribe!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Back to College
Well I'm back at school. Hopefully this means that I can get myself back on a regular schedule and throw those regularly scheduled updates at you that I've been talking so much about. This of course banks on me getting hold of a job so I can afford to buy games that I can review. Until then I do have a few older games sitting around that I could give a play to refresh my memory. But no new releases anywhere on the near horizon. And unfortunately no more news to share within the gaming world. Thanks to those of you who do actually read this, I'll do my best to keep you updated.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Bethesda. Yah done goofed.
As everyone knows, big established developers like to shit on the little guys who may some day represent competition in the market. So I can't say I'm entirely surprised by the recent news that Bethesda, or I guess more appropriately, Bethesda's parent company, Zenimax, is attempting to sue Mojang. Mojang, if you don't know, is the company responsible for the indie hit Minecraft. Turns out Mojang is planning another game titled "Scrolls". OH GOD, SOMEONE RING THE FUCKING ALARM BELL. Clearly because the word Scrolls is in the title of a few of Bethesda's games they must own all rights to the word! Just like how Gears of War should have to give up all of its profits, after all, Warcraft came out first! Although, wait, wasn't there a game that used the word "The" prior to the Elder Scrolls games? OOPS. Guess ol' Zenimax didn't think that far ahead.
This seems like an astoundingly stupid move, especially considering the upcoming release of Bethesda's flagship title TSE V: Skyrim. It may simply be that they didn't take bad publicity into mind when they came up with this brilliant scheme. But honestly this wouldn't be smart even if they didn't have any impending releases. Mojang is a beloved company by millions of people. Seriously, Minecraft, has sold over 3 million copies to date, and one of those copies went to yours truly. I'll take a small innovative company over a money guzzling corporate whore of a company any day. Bethesda isn't even staying true to its fanbase with Skyrim, everything about it is stripped and dumbed down to appeal more strongly to the FPS crowd. Much in the same way Bioware has filed the intellectual value of its games down to a nub in recent years. So to effectively screw over your own fan-base, and then make absurd attacks against other more valuable franchises and developers just seems ridiculous. Now I want to make it clear I'm not trying to attack Bethesda here, even though I am disappointed in some of their recent decisions. The people responsible for what has to be the most ridiculous lawsuit since the people who sued McDonald's for making them fat, are the people who own Bethesda, Zenimax. And I can't stress that enough, this is Zenimax's doing, not Bethesda's.
All that said. I wouldn't get too worried about Mojang. I really have never heard of a corporate lawsuit based on such paper thin material. Maybe Zenimax ought to look into hiring a new "crack" legal team. One that realizes you don't actually own the rights to a single word just because it's in your game. And one that doesn't time its unbelievably stupid lawsuit to coincide with the release of their main title. We can only hope this hurts the games sales figures enough that these idiots (the lawyers, not Bethesda) wind up on the streets.
All above titles and trademarks are property of their respective owners. Bethesda, Epic Games, and Blizzard.
All else is ©Alex Jenkins 2011
This seems like an astoundingly stupid move, especially considering the upcoming release of Bethesda's flagship title TSE V: Skyrim. It may simply be that they didn't take bad publicity into mind when they came up with this brilliant scheme. But honestly this wouldn't be smart even if they didn't have any impending releases. Mojang is a beloved company by millions of people. Seriously, Minecraft, has sold over 3 million copies to date, and one of those copies went to yours truly. I'll take a small innovative company over a money guzzling corporate whore of a company any day. Bethesda isn't even staying true to its fanbase with Skyrim, everything about it is stripped and dumbed down to appeal more strongly to the FPS crowd. Much in the same way Bioware has filed the intellectual value of its games down to a nub in recent years. So to effectively screw over your own fan-base, and then make absurd attacks against other more valuable franchises and developers just seems ridiculous. Now I want to make it clear I'm not trying to attack Bethesda here, even though I am disappointed in some of their recent decisions. The people responsible for what has to be the most ridiculous lawsuit since the people who sued McDonald's for making them fat, are the people who own Bethesda, Zenimax. And I can't stress that enough, this is Zenimax's doing, not Bethesda's.
All that said. I wouldn't get too worried about Mojang. I really have never heard of a corporate lawsuit based on such paper thin material. Maybe Zenimax ought to look into hiring a new "crack" legal team. One that realizes you don't actually own the rights to a single word just because it's in your game. And one that doesn't time its unbelievably stupid lawsuit to coincide with the release of their main title. We can only hope this hurts the games sales figures enough that these idiots (the lawyers, not Bethesda) wind up on the streets.
All above titles and trademarks are property of their respective owners. Bethesda, Epic Games, and Blizzard.
All else is ©Alex Jenkins 2011
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