This be where the catagories be at yo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let's talk about INCOMPETENCE!

Specifically when it comes to whoever manages EA's dealings with Steam and the boys over at Steam tech support. I've had problems with Steam ever since I first started downloading from it years ago, but to be fair they have since made quite a few improvements and up until recently it was no longer a crap shoot when you bought a game from them. One problem has persisted quite effectively however, not unlike herpes, and this problem is that the download rates on Steam, are slower than a crippled sloth on ice, no matter how fast your internet connection may be, Steam downloads are NEVER fast. But that isn't the core of the problem today, the core of the problem today is that Steam and EA released thousands of CD Keys that don't work. The game that these CD Keys were meant to unlock was in fact the long awaited Dead Space 2. Now you, like me, might say "well that doesn't seem like a big deal, just have Steam submit the non functioning but legally obtained keys to EA and have EA activate them". But sadly it has become apparent that Steam is run by a group of people whose cumulative cognitive abilities do not even come close to rivaling that of a retarded chimp. Anyways no review today, just a rant. Hopefully Steam does some firing and hires some people who have their shit together so we can all gain access to the game that we paid for.

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