This be where the catagories be at yo

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bioware and Dragon Age 3 Updates.

So. No secret I've got my own personal beef with choices being made by Bioware as of late. But this isn't actually another rant. First off. And this is something I won't spend too much time talking about, they did announce an "Extended Cut" of ME3 coming as a free add-on this summer. So that's reassuring and may prompt me to pick up the game, we'll see. But as I grew up with games like Baldurs Gate, the Dragon Age series is more important to me, I feel like it's a more mature series, and I feel that, while DA2 had severe limitations (see my review here ) I still really loved it. And I think I'm one of the few that kind of enjoyed the ambiguity of and smaller scope of, the story. But things like the removal of party customization, the recycled levels, spawning waves of enemies really drug it down. And after the whole debacle of ME3, I've been pretty nervous about a potential DA 3, which has been all but announced at this point, only an idiot, or a COD player would think it wasn't gonna happen.

Anyways, today I was looking around the internet and I came across this Bioware-Dragon-Age-PAX which had some incredibly reassuring information. First off they are increasing the scope of the game since DA2, honestly I liked the core story of both games, but I really like that they are probably taking a less linear approach for 3. 2nd, they are going to let you give your party equipment. And potentially even have separate equipment slots. Meaning that you won't just find "Silver Plate Armor" on the ground. You might find boots, gloves, shoulder pads, a breastplate, (yes I know they did this previously but it looks more in depth now), and this equipment will have a visible effect on the equipped characters appearance without sacrificing their pre-set unique appearance and that in all honestly is awesome. I loved that you could equip characters in DA:O but I do have to admit, I didn't like how they lost their identity when you did so.

There was also a good deal of talk about not only decisions that matter in the long run, (which is always great) but also about unique character experiences. While they are still sticking with a voiced character (which is ok with me, both approaches for that have their merits) they are going to be working to make that character feel more like your own. Your class will change your experience with the world, your specialization will have an impact as well. Honestly almost all that was said was really reassuring to me. I certainly hope it all pans out as well as it seems. I still have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth, but if Bioware knocks DA3 out of the park, like it sounds like they might, I think I could give them a second chance.

Alex Jenkins 2012

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